On 20-22 June the International Forum „Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects“ was held, organised in the framework of the Erasmus+KA2 DEFEP Project „Distance Education for Future: Best EU Practices in Response to the Requests of Modern Higher Education Seekers and Labour Market“.
Representatives from universities participating in the forum shared their experiences, challenges and views on distance learning. The project team of the Moldova State University actively participated in the forum’s work, including 2 presentations in English: on 20 June 2023, Violeta Cotilevici presented the experience of online education of the Moldova State University, and on 21 June Elena Simciuc presented the experience of the MSU in the field of distance education and previous or ongoing international projects with the participation of the university, relevant to this topic.
The Forum was held in a mixed format at the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, gathering more than 70 participants.