Work Package 1. Project management, coordination and communication

T.1.1. Formation of the Coordinating Council, committees and working groups, signing partnership agreements.

Т.1.2. Formation of the Advisory Committee from the labor market representatives.

Т.1.3. Development of the management roadmap and communication plan.

Т.1.4. Project operational and financial management, preparation of preliminary and final project reports.

Т.1.5. Development of an information system to support and promote the project.

Т.1.6. Promotion of the project.

Т.1.7. Periodic coordinating and organizational meetings.

Work Package 2. Background research of Distance Education. Clarification of the development trends

T.2.1. Study of cognitive, behavioral, and technological transformations of the individual, society, and labor market.

Т.2.2. Conducting a sociological survey among the project stakeholders.

Т.2.3. Summarizing the experience of distance education in Ukraine and Moldova.

Т.2.4. Study of the best practices of distance education implementation in EU countries.

Т.2.5. Identifying trends for further distance education reform.

Work Package 3. Distance Education methodology development

Т.3.1. Comprehensive improvement of the distance education system, defining its structure and elements.

Т.3.2. Selection of didactic methods and approaches to form prospective competencies of education applicants.

Т.3.3. Development of tools and means of forming prospective competencies of education applicants.

Т.3.4. Identification of needs and necessary support for further development of the distance education system.

Work Package 4. Distance Education support development: institutional and organizational

Т.4.1. Development of a typical model of organizational structure for the implementation of the distance education.

Т.4.2. Formation and improvement of the typical distance education regulations (on the organization of management and educational processes, meetings and coaching in the distance education).

Т.4.3. Formation and improvement of communication standards for the distance education participants.

Т.4.4. Adaptation of the standard model of organizational structure of the distance education production to the conditions of each HEI partner.

Т.4.5. Creation of special structural subdivisions and adoption of relevant normative documents.

Work Package 5. Distance Education support development: methodological, staff, material and technical

Т.5.1. To develop guides and instructions for the administration and conduction of the distance education process.

Т.5.2. To develop guides and instructions for self-organization and increasing learning productivity in the distance education.

Т.5.3. Conducting trainings and facilitation sessions for administrators, tutors, counselors, and coaches on the peculiarities of the distance education.

Т.5.4. Equipping experimental learning laboratories for the distance education with the typical necessary equipment and software for the effective operation of the distance education.

Т.5.5. Formation of an electronic platform for distance education and its filling with educational and methodological materials according to the courses and educational programs.

Т.5.6. Implementation of electronic management system for distance education and electronic document management system in HEI.

Work Package 6. Distance Education system testing (experiment)

Т.6.1. Introduction of the work of special structural units and the establishment of relevant regulations in the HEI.

Т.6.2. Development and approval of educational programs, curriculum and syllabuses for individual (experimental) specialties in the HEI.

Т.6.3. Carrying out precursory campaign for individual (experimental) specialties by the distance form in HEI.

Т.6.4. Launching of electronic platform for the distance education and its filling with educational-methodological materials according to the courses and educational programs.

Т.6.5. Carrying out educational activities through the distance form for individual (experimental) specialties in HEI.

Work Package 7. Distance Education system monitoring and quality assurance

Т.7.1. Development of a strategy for the management of the distance education as a separate and independent form of education in HEI.

Т.7.2. Development of a roadmap for quality assurance and adherence to academic fairness in the distance education.

Т.7.3. Development of a quality management control plan for the distance education.

Т.7.4. Identification of evaluation criteria, diagnostic tools and measurement results of prospective competence acquisition by the distance education applicants.

Т.7.5. Conducting regular surveys of stakeholders, preparing periodic monitoring reports and analytical reviews of the quality of the distance education for its further improvement.

Work Package 8. Project sustainability and scaling in Ukraine and Moldova

Т.8.1. Carrying out the distance education as a separate independent form of education in HEI on a permanent basis, including for specialties that are not part of the experiment.

Т.8.2. Development of proposals for the revision of higher education standards for specialties considering the specifics of distance education and prospective requests of stakeholders.

Т.8.3. Development of proposals for the revision of approaches to the financing of educational institutions, considering the peculiarities of the distance education.

Т.8.4. Creation of the Association of educational institutions that provide the distance education.

Т.8.5. Establishment of cooperation with the institutions of the Social Protection Fund for the Disabled and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry for Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories for the wide involvement of people with special needs, the same as veterans of the war, victims of the war and internally displaced people in education through the distance form.